Jean-Julien Pous

Video Artist

A Collector's Mind

Video installation at the Busan Museum, 6mn58, 2K, 2024

Part of the exhibition Generous Collectors : the Joy of Sharing, the Pleasure of Collecting (수집의 즐거움 공감의 기쁨).

Like an inner journey, in search of answers to the existential torments of the human soul, a silhouette, in a trance, wanders through the twists and turns of his thoughts. In a desire to see bigger than oneself, driven by the thirst for an ideal, the silhouette brings together visions, capturing them for an instant before releasing them, opening so many windows onto the world.

내면의 여정을 통해 인간 영혼의 고뇌에 대한 답을 찾고자, 한 인물이恍惚 상태로 자신의 생각의 미로를 헤매고 있습니다. 자신보다 더 큰 것을 보고 싶은 의지와 이상에 대한 갈망에 이끌려 그 인물은 시각들을 모아 순간적으로 포착한 후 놓아주며 세상을 향한 수많은 창문을 열어냅니다.

Comme un voyage intérieur, en quête de réponses aux tourments existentiels de l'âme humaine, une silhouette, en transe, déambule dans les méandres de ses pensées. Dans une volonté de voir plus grand que soi, mue par la soif d'un idéal, la silhouette rassemble des visions, les capturant un instant avant de les relâcher, ouvrant autant de fenêtres sur le monde.



Artist : Jean-Julien Pous
Curator : Lee Sung-Hun
Lighting director : Emmanuel Wolfs
Actor : Song Hojun
Original Score : Kim Dong Myeong

Shot on location in Baekundong Garden, Ganjin, Jeollanam-do, Yun Seon-do's Garden on Bogildo Island and Paju, Gyeonggi-do

Special thanks to Bak Sang-Min from Bogildo cityhall.